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Ject对"antagonist" 的正确翻译:n. 敌手, 对手,[医]对抗剂,[生理]对抗肌。发音:[æn'tægənist]。例句参考:I am bound to furnish my antagonists with arguments, but not with comprehension. - 我一定要向对手提供争论点, 但并无予以理解的必要。;He ripped into his antagonist with fury. - 他向他的对手猛扑过去。;A sparrow fluttering about the church is an antagonist which the most profound theologian in Europe is wholly unable to overcome. - 在教堂附近飞来飞去的麻雀, 是为欧洲学识最深的神学家们完全无法克服的敌手。;
antagonist [æn'tægənist]Speaker
n. 敌手, 对手,[医]对抗剂,[生理]对抗肌
I am bound to furnish my antagonists with arguments, but not with comprehension.
我一定要向对手提供争论点, 但并无予以理解的必要。
He ripped into his antagonist with fury.
A sparrow fluttering about the church is an antagonist which the most profound theologian in Europe is wholly unable to overcome.
在教堂附近飞来飞去的麻雀, 是为欧洲学识最深的神学家们完全无法克服的敌手。