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Ject对"billion" 的正确翻译:num.&n. 十亿。发音:['biljən]。例句参考:Some computers can perform over a billion computation a second. - 有些计算机一秒钟能完成超过十亿次运算。;As a rule of thumb, a one-cent-a-gallon gasoline tax raises$1 billion. Oil producers in President-elect Bush's adopted state of Texas, however, would rather see a tax on imported crude oil. - 一般情形是,每加仑加汽油一分钱的税可以征收10亿元。可是,在布什第二家乡德克萨斯州的产油商宁愿看见在进口原油上征税。;The human brain contains several billion nerve cells, which are connected with one another by fine nerves. - 人类的大脑含有几十亿个神经细胞,这些细胞由纤细的神经将彼此连接起来。;
billion ['biljən]Speaker
num.&n. 十亿
Some computers can perform over a billion computation a second.
As a rule of thumb, a one-cent-a-gallon gasoline tax raises$1 billion. Oil producers in President-elect Bush's adopted state of Texas, however, would rather see a tax on imported crude oil.
The human brain contains several billion nerve cells, which are connected with one another by fine nerves.