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Ject对"configuration" 的正确翻译:n. 结构,布局,形态;[计算机] 配置。发音:[kənˌfigju'reiʃən]。例句参考:The configuration of internal and external packet filter and a single home bastion host provide very good security. - 内部和外部包过滤器和一台单向定位的bastion主机的配置提供很好的安全性。;A procedure causing a system, process, or operation to take on its most desirable configuration or procedures in the best or most efficient way; for example, when arranging instructions and data in storage so that a minimum of machine time or space is use - 使一个系统、一个过程或一个操作能取其最希望的结构的方法,或以最好、最有效的方式进行所采取的一些措施。例如,在存储器中合理安排指令和数据的存放位置以便存入和访问时花费的机器时间或空间最小。;For some remote systems, the translation of configuration information into machine language. - 对于某些远程系统,将配置信息翻译成机器语言的过程。;
configuration [kənˌfigju'reiʃən]Speaker
n. 结构,布局,形态
[计算机] 配置
The configuration of internal and external packet filter and a single home bastion host provide very good security.
A procedure causing a system, process, or operation to take on its most desirable configuration or procedures in the best or most efficient way; for example, when arranging instructions and data in storage so that a minimum of machine time or space is use
For some remote systems, the translation of configuration information into machine language.