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Ject对"dost" 的正确翻译:v. [古]do的第二人称单数.现在式。发音:[dʌst]。例句参考:Let it be like this: I shall say to a girl, "please lower your jar so that I may drink; and if she answered," Drink, and I will water your camels also ", that would be the girl whom thou dost intend for thy servant Isaac." - 让事情象这样吧:我会对一个姑娘说:“请把你的水罐拿下来,好让我喝点水!如果她回答说:‘请喝吧,我还给你的骆驼也喝点水。’那她就是你预定要你的仆人以撒迎娶的姑娘。”;
dost [dʌst]Speaker
v. [古]do的第二人称单数.现在式
Let it be like this: I shall say to a girl, "please lower your jar so that I may drink; and if she answered," Drink, and I will water your camels also ", that would be the girl whom thou dost intend for thy servant Isaac."