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Ject对"ephemeral" 的正确翻译:adj. 朝生暮死的, 生命短暂的。发音:[i'femərəl]。例句参考:Such novels came forward to enjoy ephemeral popularity only. - 这样的小说只是昙花一现的东西而已。;Perhaps the least prepossessing quality of Fox was that he cares too much about the ephemeral in politics: and Ford displays excessive zeal, to my mind, in teasing out these cares to the last twist and turn. - 也许福克斯最不逗人喜欢的一点就是他把短促的政治生命看得过于重了。而在我看来, 福特在诱使福克斯说出他的这些关心时显得过分热情, 手法千奇百怪, 使尽了手段。;Short-lived or ephemeral, as a life. - 短命的或短暂的, 如生命;
ephemeral [i'femərəl]Speaker
adj. 朝生暮死的, 生命短暂的
Such novels came forward to enjoy ephemeral popularity only.
Perhaps the least prepossessing quality of Fox was that he cares too much about the ephemeral in politics: and Ford displays excessive zeal, to my mind, in teasing out these cares to the last twist and turn.
也许福克斯最不逗人喜欢的一点就是他把短促的政治生命看得过于重了。而在我看来, 福特在诱使福克斯说出他的这些关心时显得过分热情, 手法千奇百怪, 使尽了手段。
Short-lived or ephemeral, as a life.
短命的或短暂的, 如生命