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Ject对"firearm" 的正确翻译:n. 火器, 枪炮。发音:['faiərɑ:m;'faiəˌɑ:m]。例句参考:A small metal knob on the muzzle of a firearm, such as a rifle, used for sighting. - 准星枪炮口上, 瞄准用的小圆金属突起, 如来福枪上的准星;A usually metal projectile in the shape of a pointed cylinder or a ball that is expelled from a firearm, especially a rifle or a handgun. - 子弹, 枪弹从火器中, 尤指步枪或手枪中发射出来的金属射弹, 形状为尖柱体或球状;A cap or tube containing a small amount of explosive used to detonate the main explosive charge of a firearm or mine. - 雷管, 底火, 导火线装有少量爆炸物的帽或管, 用来引爆枪炮或地雷、水雷等;
firearm ['faiərɑ:m;'faiəˌɑ:m]Speaker
n. 火器, 枪炮
A small metal knob on the muzzle of a firearm, such as a rifle, used for sighting.
准星枪炮口上, 瞄准用的小圆金属突起, 如来福枪上的准星
A usually metal projectile in the shape of a pointed cylinder or a ball that is expelled from a firearm, especially a rifle or a handgun.
子弹, 枪弹从火器中, 尤指步枪或手枪中发射出来的金属射弹, 形状为尖柱体或球状
A cap or tube containing a small amount of explosive used to detonate the main explosive charge of a firearm or mine.
雷管, 底火, 导火线装有少量爆炸物的帽或管, 用来引爆枪炮或地雷、水雷等