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Ject对"freezer" 的正确翻译:n. 冰库, 冰箱。发音:['fri:zə]。例句参考:A long gunman gave a dozen deli employees the chill of their life when he herded them into two walk-in freezers and make off with$9, 000. - 一名独行持枪匪徒, 将12名熟食店的工作人员赶进两间冷冻室, 抢走了9000美元。这些人一辈子也没如此受冻(受惊)过。;"Just one more heave, and the freezer will be in the right place." - "只要再拉一下, 冰箱准能放到合适的位置上。";There's always the food in the freezer if need be. - 需要食物的话, 冰箱里就有.;
freezer ['fri:zə]Speaker
n. 冰库, 冰箱
A long gunman gave a dozen deli employees the chill of their life when he herded them into two walk-in freezers and make off with$9, 000.
一名独行持枪匪徒, 将12名熟食店的工作人员赶进两间冷冻室, 抢走了9000美元。这些人一辈子也没如此受冻(受惊)过。
"Just one more heave, and the freezer will be in the right place."
"只要再拉一下, 冰箱准能放到合适的位置上。"
There's always the food in the freezer if need be.
需要食物的话, 冰箱里就有.