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Ject对"greenish" 的正确翻译:adj. 带绿色的。发音:['gri:niʃ]。例句参考:A pale blue to light greenish blue. - 青绿色, 水绿色淡青色至淡青绿色;The small, sour, greenish or yellowish cucumber-shaped fruit of this tree, eaten as a pickle or used in relishes and various dishes. - 三捻树果该树结的酸味的、浅绿或浅黄色黄瓜状小果实, 作为腌菜而食或用在许多菜中;A moderate to strong greenish blue. - 彩釉色一种介于浅绿蓝色与深绿蓝色之间的颜色;
greenish ['gri:niʃ]Speaker
adj. 带绿色的
A pale blue to light greenish blue.
青绿色, 水绿色淡青色至淡青绿色
The small, sour, greenish or yellowish cucumber-shaped fruit of this tree, eaten as a pickle or used in relishes and various dishes.
三捻树果该树结的酸味的、浅绿或浅黄色黄瓜状小果实, 作为腌菜而食或用在许多菜中
A moderate to strong greenish blue.