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Ject对"instruct" 的正确翻译:v. 教,命令,指导;[计算机] 指示。发音:[in'strʌkt]。例句参考:It does not pertain to the young to instruct their elders. - 年轻人不应该对老年人发号施令。;Animals have these advantages over man: they have no theologians to instruct them, their funerals cost them nothing, and no one starts lawsuits over their wills. - 动物优于人类的几点有:没有神学家为它们说教,殡殓不费分文,更无一个对其遗嘱提出诉讼者。;Both radio and television keep us informed of the news of the day, instruct us in many fields of interest, and entertain us with singing, dancing and acting. - 收音机和电视机能使我们了解一天的新闻,在许多有益的方面能对我们有所指导,那些唱歌、跳舞、表演还可使我们得到娱乐。;
instruct [in'strʌkt]Speaker
v. 教,命令,指导
[计算机] 指示
It does not pertain to the young to instruct their elders.
Animals have these advantages over man: they have no theologians to instruct them, their funerals cost them nothing, and no one starts lawsuits over their wills.
Both radio and television keep us informed of the news of the day, instruct us in many fields of interest, and entertain us with singing, dancing and acting.