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Ject对"Julian" 的正确翻译:adj. Julius Caesar 的。发音:['dʒu:ljən, -liən]。例句参考:"Fine day for a shoot," Patrick said. Julian then said to them all: "Well, this is well met, what?" - "真是射猎的好天气,"帕特里克说道。接着朱利安对他们大家说:"喔,幸会!你说什么来着?";The trouble with Julian is that once he gets you on the phone he talks your head off. - 朱利安令人讨厌的地方是,一旦他与你通电话,他就会唠叨得使你感到厌烦。;It is true that newer crime writers like Julian Symons and Edmund Crispin have kept the flag flying. - 的确,像朱利安·本蒙斯和埃得蒙·克里斯平那样一些新一代的犯罪小说作家始终举着该流派的旗帜。;
Julian ['dʒu:ljən, -liən]Speaker
adj. Julius Caesar 的
"Fine day for a shoot," Patrick said. Julian then said to them all: "Well, this is well met, what?"
The trouble with Julian is that once he gets you on the phone he talks your head off.
It is true that newer crime writers like Julian Symons and Edmund Crispin have kept the flag flying.