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Ject对"labourer" 的正确翻译:n. 工人(劳动者)。发音:['leibərə]。例句参考:He was taken on by a factory as a child labourer in the foundry shop. - 他被一家工厂雇佣, 在翻砂车间当童工。;It is no use offering the manual labourer the chance of playing a game of football or baseball on Saturday afternoon. - 对于体力劳动者来说, 在周末的下午给他们提供踢足球或打棒球的机会是无益的。;The meanest labourer has the same rights as the richest landowner. - 最贫贱的劳动者享有和最富的地主同样的权利.;
labourer ['leibərə]
n. 工人(劳动者)
He was taken on by a factory as a child labourer in the foundry shop.
他被一家工厂雇佣, 在翻砂车间当童工。
It is no use offering the manual labourer the chance of playing a game of football or baseball on Saturday afternoon.
对于体力劳动者来说, 在周末的下午给他们提供踢足球或打棒球的机会是无益的。
The meanest labourer has the same rights as the richest landowner.