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Ject对"mechanically" 的正确翻译:adv. 用机械(机械地)。发音:[mi'kænikəli]。例句参考:A structural material made of wood fragments, such as chips or shavings, that are mechanically pressed into sheet form and bonded together with resin. - 碎料板由碎木,如木屑或创花制成的一种结构材料,用合成树脂粘合在一起并用机器压成板状;A radial part or structure, such as a mechanically pivoted arm or the spoke of a wheel. - 辐射部分辐射形的部件或结构,如机械上有轴的臂或车轮的辐条;A program for protocol verification which mechanically generates all states reachable from a given initial state and checks the validity of user defined conditions in each state. - 验证协议的程序,它从一个给定的初始状态机械地产生出一切可以到达的状态,并且审查每一状态下用户定义的条件的有效性。;
mechanically [mi'kænikəli]Speaker
adv. 用机械(机械地)
A structural material made of wood fragments, such as chips or shavings, that are mechanically pressed into sheet form and bonded together with resin.
A radial part or structure, such as a mechanically pivoted arm or the spoke of a wheel.
A program for protocol verification which mechanically generates all states reachable from a given initial state and checks the validity of user defined conditions in each state.