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Ject对"noting" 的正确翻译:注释法, 计算法。发音:['nəutiŋ]。例句参考:I can't pay the 50p I owe you without breaking into a 5 note. - 我得把一张5英镑的钞票兑开, 才能把欠你的50便士付给你.;"Everything we do on the site is proper and lawful," said Levin, noting that the yard,… is under constant scrutiny. "It's in a fishbowl," he said. - "我们在场地上做的一切都合情合法, "莱文说, 并指出……场地经常受到检查。他说, "场地上一切都是一目了然。";Nothing venture, noting have in love like everything else. If the girl turns you down, you're no worse off than you were before. - 恋爱一事与其它事情不一样, 不去谈就不会成功。如果姑娘拒绝你, 你也和以前一样, 不会损失什么。;
noting ['nəutiŋ]Speaker
注释法, 计算法
I can't pay the 50p I owe you without breaking into a 5 note.
我得把一张5英镑的钞票兑开, 才能把欠你的50便士付给你.
"Everything we do on the site is proper and lawful," said Levin, noting that the yard,… is under constant scrutiny. "It's in a fishbowl," he said.
"我们在场地上做的一切都合情合法, "莱文说, 并指出……场地经常受到检查。他说, "场地上一切都是一目了然。"
Nothing venture, noting have in love like everything else. If the girl turns you down, you're no worse off than you were before.
恋爱一事与其它事情不一样, 不去谈就不会成功。如果姑娘拒绝你, 你也和以前一样, 不会损失什么。