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Ject对"Percy" 的正确翻译:n. 珀西(男子名)。发音:['pə:si]。例句参考:"Hotspur. No Percy, thou are dust, And food for-(dies) Prince Henry. For worms, brave Percy, fare thee well, great heart!" - "霍茨波:不,潘西,你现在是泥土了,你是--(死去)亲王:蛆虫的食物,勇敢的潘西,再会吧,伟大的心灵。";Everybody knows him. His name is Percy Buttons. - 大家都认识他。他的名字叫PercyButtons。;"Poetry!" said Percy. "He didn't know the meaning of the word. It isn't poetry. its leg-pull." - "诗吗!"珀西说,"他对此道一窍不通。这不是诗这是瞎胡闹。";
Percy ['pə:si]Speaker
n. 珀西(男子名)
"Hotspur. No Percy, thou are dust, And food for-(dies) Prince Henry. For worms, brave Percy, fare thee well, great heart!"
Everybody knows him. His name is Percy Buttons.
"Poetry!" said Percy. "He didn't know the meaning of the word. It isn't poetry. its leg-pull."