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Ject对"Peru" 的正确翻译:n. 秘鲁。发音:[pə'ru:, pi'ru:]。例句参考:The invention of radio broadcasting meant that people from China to Peru could learn all the details of an event very soon after it happened. - 无线电广播的发明使世界各地的人民在一个事件发生后不久就能很快知道其详细情况。;Japan said on Tuesday that Peru's disgraced ex-president Alberto Fujimori has Japanese nationality, a status that allows him to stay in the land of his forefathers and probably avoid facing investigators in Peru. - 日本政府周二表示,遭到罢黜的秘鲁前总统藤森具有日本国籍,而这个身分将让他得以继续留在日本这块祖先的土地上,同时也可能让他不必回秘鲁接受调查人员的侦讯。;
Peru [pə'ru:, pi'ru:]Speaker
n. 秘鲁
The invention of radio broadcasting meant that people from China to Peru could learn all the details of an event very soon after it happened.
Japan said on Tuesday that Peru's disgraced ex-president Alberto Fujimori has Japanese nationality, a status that allows him to stay in the land of his forefathers and probably avoid facing investigators in Peru.