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Ject对"Philippines" 的正确翻译:n. 菲律宾(亚洲国名)。发音:['filipi:nz, painz]。例句参考:A division of Oceania in the western Pacific Ocean comprising the islands east of the Philippines and north of the equator. It includes the Caroline, Marshall, Mariana, and Gilbert islands. - 密克罗尼西亚西太平洋上菲律宾群岛以东, 赤道以北的岛群, 是大洋洲的一部分, 包括加罗林群岛, 马绍尔群岛, 马里亚纳群岛和吉尔伯特群岛;The Philippines were ceded to the United States by Spain. - 西班牙把菲律宾群岛割让给美国。.;A long, heavy, single-edged machete originally used in the Philippines. - 菲律宾人用的单刃大砍刀最初为菲律宾人用的长的单刃弯刀;
Philippines ['filipi:nz, painz]Speaker
n. 菲律宾(亚洲国名)
A division of Oceania in the western Pacific Ocean comprising the islands east of the Philippines and north of the equator. It includes the Caroline, Marshall, Mariana, and Gilbert islands.
密克罗尼西亚西太平洋上菲律宾群岛以东, 赤道以北的岛群, 是大洋洲的一部分, 包括加罗林群岛, 马绍尔群岛, 马里亚纳群岛和吉尔伯特群岛
The Philippines were ceded to the United States by Spain.
A long, heavy, single-edged machete originally used in the Philippines.