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Ject对"Quaker" 的正确翻译:n. 教友派信徒。发音:['kweikə]。例句参考:In Quaker doctrine, the guiding spirit or divine presence in each person. - 圣灵亮光贵格教义中,每个人都具有的神意或心灵之光;A building used for public meetings and especially for Protestant or Quaker religious services. - 礼拜堂作为公众聚会的建筑物,尤指新教徒或教友派进行宗教仪式的礼拜堂;The twelve presidents who held office from1890 to1963 represented religious denominations as follows: two Methodists, two Presbyterians, two Baptists, one Unitarian, one Dutch Reformed, one Congregationalist, one Quaker, one Episcopalian, and one Roman Ca - 从1890年到1963年任职的十二位总统所属的教派如下:两位卫理公会教徒,两位长老会教徒,两位浸礼会教徒,一位唯一神派教徒,一位荷兰新教徒,一位公理会教徒,一位公谊会教徒,一位圣公会教徒,一位罗马天主教徒。;
Quaker ['kweikə]Speaker
n. 教友派信徒
In Quaker doctrine, the guiding spirit or divine presence in each person.
A building used for public meetings and especially for Protestant or Quaker religious services.
The twelve presidents who held office from1890 to1963 represented religious denominations as follows: two Methodists, two Presbyterians, two Baptists, one Unitarian, one Dutch Reformed, one Congregationalist, one Quaker, one Episcopalian, and one Roman Ca