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Ject对"quartered" 的正确翻译:adj. 四开的;n. 四开木材。发音:['kwɔ:təd]。例句参考:It's a quarter to4 o'clock.There are only5 minutes left to the end of the game.Our team, with a4 to0 lead, are simply running out the clock. - 现在是3:45分,离比赛结束只剩5分钟了,我们队以4比0领先,现在只是在打防守战。;She quartered the apple. - 她把苹果切成四份。;I went out to see him hanged, drawn, and quartered, which was done, he looked as cheerful as any man could do in that condition. - 我出去看他被套上绞索、挖出肠脏、大剁八块,这些都给施行了; 比起任何一个处此情况下的人,他看来都要泰然自得。;
quartered ['kwɔ:təd]Speaker
adj. 四开的
n. 四开木材
It's a quarter to4 o'clock.There are only5 minutes left to the end of the game.Our team, with a4 to0 lead, are simply running out the clock.
She quartered the apple.
I went out to see him hanged, drawn, and quartered, which was done, he looked as cheerful as any man could do in that condition.
我出去看他被套上绞索、挖出肠脏、大剁八块,这些都给施行了; 比起任何一个处此情况下的人,他看来都要泰然自得。