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Ject对"ransack" 的正确翻译:vt. 彻底搜索,洗劫。发音:['rænsæk]。例句参考:The room had been thoroughly ransacked and the contents of drawers and cupboards lay in confusion on the floor. - 房间已被彻底洗劫过, 抽屉和橱柜里的东西都乱七八糟地摊在地板上。;Burglars ransacked the office of a91-year-old physician who is one of the last private doctors left in crime-ravaged Harlem, police said yesterday. - 警方昨天说, 小偷把九十一岁内科医生的诊所洗劫一空。在罪犯横行的哈莱姆区, 诊所已所剩无几。;
ransack ['rænsæk]Speaker
vt. 彻底搜索,洗劫
The room had been thoroughly ransacked and the contents of drawers and cupboards lay in confusion on the floor.
房间已被彻底洗劫过, 抽屉和橱柜里的东西都乱七八糟地摊在地板上。
Burglars ransacked the office of a91-year-old physician who is one of the last private doctors left in crime-ravaged Harlem, police said yesterday.
警方昨天说, 小偷把九十一岁内科医生的诊所洗劫一空。在罪犯横行的哈莱姆区, 诊所已所剩无几。