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Ject对"rejoin" 的正确翻译:vt. 使再结合, 再加入, 再回答;vi. 重新聚集, 回答, 答辩。发音:['ri:'dʒɔin]。例句参考:"I'll have you both licked when I get out, that I will," rejoined the boy, beginning to snivel. "Two can play at that game, mind you," said Tom. - "等我走出学校,我要叫人把你们俩狠狠揍一顿,我一定要,"那孩子回答说,开始哭鼻子。"你叫人,我们也会叫人,你不要忘记。"汤姆说。;You're wrong!' she rejoined. - `你错了!'她答道.;
rejoin ['ri:'dʒɔin]Speaker
vt. 使再结合, 再加入, 再回答
vi. 重新聚集, 回答, 答辩
"I'll have you both licked when I get out, that I will," rejoined the boy, beginning to snivel. "Two can play at that game, mind you," said Tom.
You're wrong!' she rejoined.