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Ject对"supplementary" 的正确翻译:adj. 补充的, 附加的。发音:[ˌsʌpli'mentəri]。例句参考:A book or bound collection of maps, sometimes with supplementary illustrations and graphic analyses. - 地图册, 图表集将地图装订而成的书册, 有时附有增补说明或图表分析;Journalism in which a news story is presented primarily through photographs with supplementary written copy. - 摄影新闻(工作), 摄影图片报道主要通过照片和附加书面注释来报导新闻的报刊杂志;A supplementary set of keys, usually numerical and arranged like a calculator, added to a keyboard. - 一组增设的键盘, 通常是数字型的, 其排列方式与计算器的排列方式相似, 附设在主键盘上。;
supplementary [ˌsʌpli'mentəri]Speaker
adj. 补充的, 附加的
A book or bound collection of maps, sometimes with supplementary illustrations and graphic analyses.
地图册, 图表集将地图装订而成的书册, 有时附有增补说明或图表分析
Journalism in which a news story is presented primarily through photographs with supplementary written copy.
摄影新闻(工作), 摄影图片报道主要通过照片和附加书面注释来报导新闻的报刊杂志
A supplementary set of keys, usually numerical and arranged like a calculator, added to a keyboard.
一组增设的键盘, 通常是数字型的, 其排列方式与计算器的排列方式相似, 附设在主键盘上。