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Ject对"tangent" 的正确翻译:adj. 接触的, 相切的, 离题的,;n. 切线, 正切, 突然的转向;[音乐]击弦金属小片。发音:['tændʒənt]。例句参考:It's not easy to follow her think because she's always go off at a tangent. - 要跟上她的思路并非易事, 因为她老是突然扯到题外去。;The teacher was telling us about the poet's life, when he went off at a tangent and started talking about his war experiences. - 老师在给我们讲述诗人生平故事的时候, 突然把话题一转, 讲开他自己的战争经历来了。;
tangent ['tændʒənt]Speaker
adj. 接触的, 相切的, 离题的,
n. 切线, 正切, 突然的转向
It's not easy to follow her think because she's always go off at a tangent.
要跟上她的思路并非易事, 因为她老是突然扯到题外去。
The teacher was telling us about the poet's life, when he went off at a tangent and started talking about his war experiences.
老师在给我们讲述诗人生平故事的时候, 突然把话题一转, 讲开他自己的战争经历来了。