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Ject对"tempered" 的正确翻译:adj. 调节了的, 缓和的, 有...气质的。发音:['tempəd]。例句参考:She inherited her mother's good looks and her father's bad temper. - 她生来就有母亲的美貌和父亲的坏脾气.;The Rev.Lawrence Lucas is way out of line. His blatantly anti-Semitic statements Monday were not the stuff of tempered judgment. Or of moral leadership. Or of human sensitivity. - 卢卡斯牧师太过离谱。他星期一大言不惭地发表反对犹太人的谈话, 不免偏激。既非道德楷模, 也不顾他人感受。;You must be a saint to be able to stand his temper! - 能受得了他的脾气, 一定得非常有涵养!;
tempered ['tempəd]Speaker
adj. 调节了的, 缓和的, 有...气质的
She inherited her mother's good looks and her father's bad temper.
The Rev.Lawrence Lucas is way out of line. His blatantly anti-Semitic statements Monday were not the stuff of tempered judgment. Or of moral leadership. Or of human sensitivity.
卢卡斯牧师太过离谱。他星期一大言不惭地发表反对犹太人的谈话, 不免偏激。既非道德楷模, 也不顾他人感受。
You must be a saint to be able to stand his temper!
能受得了他的脾气, 一定得非常有涵养!