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Ject对"tenterhooks" 的正确翻译:n. 坐立不安。发音:['tentəhuks;'tentəˌhuks]。例句参考:The tightrope walker had us on tenterhooks until her reached the safety of the other side. - 在那位走钢丝者安全到达另一边前, 我们都一直提心吊胆。;We were kept on tenterhooksfor hours while the judges were deciding the winners. - 我们在等待裁判员裁决出优胜者, 几个小时如坐针毡.;
tenterhooks ['tentəhuks;'tentəˌhuks]
n. 坐立不安
The tightrope walker had us on tenterhooks until her reached the safety of the other side.
在那位走钢丝者安全到达另一边前, 我们都一直提心吊胆。
We were kept on tenterhooksfor hours while the judges were deciding the winners.
我们在等待裁判员裁决出优胜者, 几个小时如坐针毡.