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Ject对"Toby" 的正确翻译:n. 老人形啤酒杯。发音:['təubi]。例句参考:Ben told Toby that he could run faster than the school champion, and Toby told Ben to put up or shut up. - 本对托比说他能跑得比学校的冠军还要快;托比要他跑着看一看,否则就别吹牛。;I asked Toby if he wanted to come with us, and he was licking his lips even before I had finished asking the question. - 我问托比是否愿跟我们一起来,还没等我问完他便咂着嘴一副急不可耐的样子。;
Toby ['təubi]Speaker
n. 老人形啤酒杯
Ben told Toby that he could run faster than the school champion, and Toby told Ben to put up or shut up.
I asked Toby if he wanted to come with us, and he was licking his lips even before I had finished asking the question.