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Ject对"Zeus" 的正确翻译:n. [希神]宙斯。发音:[zju:s]。例句参考:A king of Crete, the son of Zeus and Europa, who was made one of the three judges in the underworld after his death. - 弥诺斯克里特岛之王,宙斯和欧罗巴之子,死后成为地府的三个法官之一;A maiden who was loved by Zeus and transformed by Hera into a heifer. - 艾奥宙斯所爱的少女,被赫拉变成丁小母牛;Athenian sculptor who supervised work on the Parthenon. His statue of Zeus at Olympia was one of the Seven Wonders of the World. - 菲迪亚斯雅典雕塑家,曾监管巴台农神殿的工作,他在奥林匹亚的宙斯雕像是世界七大奇观之一;
Zeus [zju:s]Speaker
n. [希神]宙斯
A king of Crete, the son of Zeus and Europa, who was made one of the three judges in the underworld after his death.
A maiden who was loved by Zeus and transformed by Hera into a heifer.
Athenian sculptor who supervised work on the Parthenon. His statue of Zeus at Olympia was one of the Seven Wonders of the World.