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Ject对"Zurich" 的正确翻译:n. 苏黎士。发音:['zʊərik]。例句参考:As for Albert, the family did manage to send him to a technical, school in Switzerland, and later to the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. - 至于艾伯特,家里确实是安排他去瑞士的技术学校的; 后来送他去了苏黎世联邦技术学院。;The Chancellor of the Exchequer doesn't only have to convince the cabinet that his budget is sound, he has to convince the gnomes of Zurich. - 财政大臣不但得要全体内阁确信他的预算是合理的,他还得使苏黎世的银行家们信服。;He is booked on the09.00 flight to zurich. - 有人为他预订了一张上午9点飞往苏黎世的机票。;
Zurich ['zʊərik]Speaker
n. 苏黎士
As for Albert, the family did manage to send him to a technical, school in Switzerland, and later to the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich.
至于艾伯特,家里确实是安排他去瑞士的技术学校的; 后来送他去了苏黎世联邦技术学院。
The Chancellor of the Exchequer doesn't only have to convince the cabinet that his budget is sound, he has to convince the gnomes of Zurich.
He is booked on the09.00 flight to Zurich.