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Ject对"咬文嚼字" 的正确翻译:being pedantic。发音:[yǎo wén jiáo zì]。例句参考:"他们" 是 "上流社会人物" ,是 "达官显贵" 。他们给你一点施舍,动员你去服役,让你去打仗,调教你, "说起话来像上层社会那样咬文嚼字" ,事实上他们 "全是骗子" 。 - "They" are "the people at the top", "the higher-ups", the people who give you the dole, call you up, tell you to go to war, fine you, "talk posh", "are all twisters really".;
咬文嚼字 [yǎo wén jiáo zì]
being pedantic
"他们" 是 "上流社会人物" ,是 "达官显贵" 。他们给你一点施舍,动员你去服役,让你去打仗,调教你, "说起话来像上层社会那样咬文嚼字" ,事实上他们 "全是骗子" 。
"They" are "the people at the top", "the higher-ups", the people who give you the dole, call you up, tell you to go to war, fine you, "talk posh", "are all twisters really".