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Ject对"Argus" 的正确翻译:n. 百眼巨人,警惕的守卫者。发音:['ɑ:gəs]。例句参考:She would have stretched out her arms to implore freedom of Argus, but that she had no arms to stretch out and her voice was a bellow. - 她多么想伸出双臂乞求阿尔戈斯放了她啊。可是她却没有可伸出的双臂, 发出的声音也只是牛的吼叫。;Before Mercury had finished this deeply soothing story he saw the eyes of Argus all asleep. - 这个深深温抚人心的故事还没有讲完, 墨丘利就看到阿尔戈斯的眼睛一只只地昏昏睡去。;Argus listened with delight. - 阿尔戈斯听得心旷神怡。;
Argus ['ɑ:gəs]Speaker
n. 百眼巨人,警惕的守卫者
She would have stretched out her arms to implore freedom of Argus, but that she had no arms to stretch out and her voice was a bellow.
她多么想伸出双臂乞求阿尔戈斯放了她啊。可是她却没有可伸出的双臂, 发出的声音也只是牛的吼叫。
Before Mercury had finished this deeply soothing story he saw the eyes of Argus all asleep.
这个深深温抚人心的故事还没有讲完, 墨丘利就看到阿尔戈斯的眼睛一只只地昏昏睡去。
Argus listened with delight.