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Ject对"Jordan" 的正确翻译:n. 约旦,约旦河;n. 乔丹(姓氏)。发音:['dʒɔ:dn]。例句参考:It beats the Dutch how Jordan always makes a basket. - 乔丹投篮百发百中,真令人叫绝。;"See you later, Joan." - "Be seeing you, Jordan." - "琼,回头见!"--"乔丹,回见!";An ancient city of Palestine near the northwest shore of the Dead Sea. A stronghold commanding the valley of the lower Jordan River, it was, according to the Old Testament, captured and destroyed by Joshua. - 耶利哥巴勒斯坦古城,临近死海西北海岸。是扼守约旦河下游河谷的要塞,据《圣经·旧约》所述,它被约书亚征服并毁灭;
Jordan ['dʒɔ:dn]Speaker
n. 约旦,约旦河
n. 乔丹(姓氏)
It beats the Dutch how Jordan always makes a basket.
"See you later, Joan." - "Be seeing you, Jordan."
An ancient city of Palestine near the northwest shore of the Dead Sea. A stronghold commanding the valley of the lower Jordan River, it was, according to the Old Testament, captured and destroyed by Joshua.