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Ject对"Manhattan" 的正确翻译:n. 曼哈顿[美国]。发音:[mæn'hætən]。例句参考:For one thing, Earth's surface in the area of Manhattan is composed of solid concrete and nothing can grow there. - 举个例子来说,曼哈顿地区的地表面都是由坚硬的混凝土构成的,在那里什么也不能生长。;The party regulars slated the Manhattan district leader for the governorship. - 该党的忠诚分子提名曼哈顿区的领导人竞选州长。;State authorities yesterday pulled the plug on a Manhattan money-wiring operation that allegedly funneled millions of dollars to and from banks in the Dominican Republic, mainly for use by drug dealers. - 州政府当局昨天勒令曼哈顿一家电汇款项的商号歇业。据说其与多米尼加共和国数家银行往来调动美金数百万地,主要供毒贩使用。;
Manhattan [mæn'hætən]Speaker
n. 曼哈顿[美国]
For one thing, Earth's surface in the area of Manhattan is composed of solid concrete and nothing can grow there.
The party regulars slated the Manhattan district leader for the governorship.
State authorities yesterday pulled the plug on a Manhattan money-wiring operation that allegedly funneled millions of dollars to and from banks in the Dominican Republic, mainly for use by drug dealers.