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Ject对"电位" 的正确翻译:electric potential;potential。发音:[diàn wèi]。例句参考:电路中的一个参考点,该点<em>电位</em>作为标称的零电位,其它所有电位均相对于该点而定。经常,但并非总是,将该点直接连接到地。作为动词,指连接到地线上的过程,也称作接地。 - A point considered to be at nominal zero potential and to which all other potentials in the circuit are referred, often, but not always, connected to the actual surface of the earth; as a verb to connect to a ground. Also called earth.;电(子)之所以流动,是因为干电池上正负两端上的电的状况有差别所致,对于这种差别,我们称之为“<em>电位</em>差”。 - The difference in the electrical condition of the terminals "+" and "-" of the dry cell which tends to make electricity flow we describe as a difference of electrical potential.;欧姆电阻单位,一段导体两端的<em>电位</em>差为伏特时产生一安培电流,那么这段导体的电阻就等于欧姆 - A unit of electrical resistance equal to that of a conductor in which a current of one ampere is produced by a potential of one volt across its terminals.;
电位 [diàn wèi]
electric potential
A point considered to be at nominal zero potential and to which all other potentials in the circuit are referred, often, but not always, connected to the actual surface of the earth; as a verb to connect to a ground. Also called earth.
The difference in the electrical condition of the terminals "+" and "-" of the dry cell which tends to make electricity flow we describe as a difference of electrical potential.
A unit of electrical resistance equal to that of a conductor in which a current of one ampere is produced by a potential of one volt across its terminals.