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Ject对"acronym" 的正确翻译:n. 首字母缩略词。发音:['ækrənim]。例句参考:Refers to push-down stack procedures and is the acronym for last in/first out, a buffer procedure. - 一种把数据压入堆栈的过程, 即数据缓冲的过程。LastIn/FirstOut的缩写。;Scratch the subject of defence and acronym, abbreviation, and buzzwords fly out. - 话题触及国防, 缩合字, 缩写字和行话就满天飞。;
acronym ['ækrənim]Speaker
n. 首字母缩略词
Refers to push-down stack procedures and is the acronym for last in/first out, a buffer procedure.
一种把数据压入堆栈的过程, 即数据缓冲的过程。LastIn/FirstOut的缩写。
Scratch the subject of defence and acronym, abbreviation, and buzzwords fly out.
话题触及国防, 缩合字, 缩写字和行话就满天飞。