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Ject对"apprenticeship" 的正确翻译:n. 学徒的身分,学徒的年限。发音:[ə'prentiʃip;ə'prentisʃip]。例句参考:The influence of his American years following on his apprenticeship with Tony has left us thinking of him as a conductor tough to the point of brutality. But now, returning to Europe, he seems newly relaxed. - 他从师托尼后又在美国生活了那么些年,我们感到,这使他变成了一个强悍得几乎野蛮的管理者。可现在,他回到了欧洲,似乎又重新变得宽容了。;After his apprenticeship he worked for Joe Manton, the greatest gunsmith in England and a legend in his own lifetime. But James was not content to bask in anyone's reflected glory. - 学徒期满后,詹姆士为英国最伟大的造枪巨子及其所在时代的一个传奇人物乔·曼顿工作。但是他并不愿意沾任何人的光。;
apprenticeship [ə'prentiʃip;ə'prentisʃip]Speaker
n. 学徒的身分,学徒的年限
The influence of his American years following on his apprenticeship with Tony has left us thinking of him as a conductor tough to the point of brutality. But now, returning to Europe, he seems newly relaxed.
After his apprenticeship he worked for Joe Manton, the greatest gunsmith in England and a legend in his own lifetime. But James was not content to bask in anyone's reflected glory.