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Ject对"authorization" 的正确翻译:n. 授权(书),认可。发音:[ˌɔ:θərai'zeiʃən;ˌɔ:θərə'zeiʃən]。例句参考:It's annoying to have to get authorization for spending such piddling amounts of money. - 花这麽一点钱也要去请示, 真烦人.;One who makes use of or reproduces the work of another without authorization. - 侵犯版权者未经授权而使用或复制他人作品的人;An authorization to a debtor, such as a bank or nation, permitting temporary suspension of payments. - 延缓偿付对于借款人, 例如一个银行或国家, 允许暂时延缓偿还借款的授权;
authorization [ˌɔ:θərai'zeiʃən;ˌɔ:θərə'zeiʃən]Speaker
n. 授权(书),认可
It's annoying to have to get authorization for spending such piddling amounts of money.
花这麽一点钱也要去请示, 真烦人.
One who makes use of or reproduces the work of another without authorization.
An authorization to a debtor, such as a bank or nation, permitting temporary suspension of payments.
延缓偿付对于借款人, 例如一个银行或国家, 允许暂时延缓偿还借款的授权