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Ject对"bale" 的正确翻译:n. 包,捆,货物;v. 将...打包,捆包,包装。发音:[beil]。例句参考:A storm rose, and we had to bale out our boat. - 下起了暴风雨,我们不得不舀出船里的水。;The room Jacques and I occupied, though large, was dwarfed by an immense feather bed. It was a bed to end all beds, almost as big as a tennis court and as thick as a bale of hay. - 我和雅克住的房间虽大,但是一张巨大的、铺羽毛褥垫的床却使它显得窄小起来。那床巨大无比,简直和网球场一样大,像用一捆捆干草垫起来似地那般厚实。;The bale will be coming. - 不幸就要降临了。;
bale [beil]Speaker
n. 包,捆,货物
v. 将...打包,捆包,包装
A storm rose, and we had to bale out our boat.
The room Jacques and I occupied, though large, was dwarfed by an immense feather bed. It was a bed to end all beds, almost as big as a tennis court and as thick as a bale of hay.
The bale will be coming.