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Ject对"Cadmus" 的正确翻译:n. [希神]卡德摩斯(腓尼基王子)。发音:['kædməs]。例句参考:But the misfortunes of their children still weighed upon their minds; And one day Cadmus exclaimed, "If a serpent's life is so dear to the gods, I would I were myself a serpent." No sooner had he uttered the words than he began to change his form. - 但儿孙们的厄运始终使他们忧郁寡欢。有一天卡德摩斯哀呼道:“既然众神对一条蛇的生命如此看重,我倒不如就是一条蛇吧。”话刚出口他就开始变形了。;Cadmus had hardly left the Castalian cave, from which the oracle was delivered, when he saw a young cow slowly walking before him. - 卡德摩斯刚一走出给予他神谕的卡斯塔利亚山洞就看到前面有条小母牛在不紧不慢地走着。;Cadmus went and sought long and far for his sister, but could not find her. - 卡德摩斯走遍四面八方,找了很久也找不到妹妹的踪迹。;
Cadmus ['kædməs]Speaker
n. [希神]卡德摩斯(腓尼基王子)
But the misfortunes of their children still weighed upon their minds; And one day Cadmus exclaimed, "If a serpent's life is so dear to the gods, I would I were myself a serpent." No sooner had he uttered the words than he began to change his form.
Cadmus had hardly left the Castalian cave, from which the oracle was delivered, when he saw a young cow slowly walking before him.
Cadmus went and sought long and far for his sister, but could not find her.