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Ject对"compatible" 的正确翻译:adj. 能共处的, 可并立的, 适合的, 兼容的;n. 兼容。发音:[kəm'pætəbl]。例句参考:Not compatible or sympathetic, as in character. - 志趣不同的指性格上不宽容, 无同情心的;Pertaining to a degree of standardization of computer system components to allow for combinations and large variety of compatible units. - 修饰或说明计算机系统部件的标准化的程度, 模块化设计允许部件组合和出现很多种类的兼容部件。;
compatible [kəm'pætəbl]Speaker
adj. 能共处的, 可并立的, 适合的, 兼容的
n. 兼容
Not compatible or sympathetic, as in character.
志趣不同的指性格上不宽容, 无同情心的
Pertaining to a degree of standardization of computer system components to allow for combinations and large variety of compatible units.
修饰或说明计算机系统部件的标准化的程度, 模块化设计允许部件组合和出现很多种类的兼容部件。