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Ject对"constrained" 的正确翻译:adj. 被强迫的, 拘泥的, 不舒服的。发音:[kən'streind]。例句参考:A life that had been constrained by habit to the same few activities and friends. - 习惯于被束缚在一成不变的几个活动和朋友中的生活;I feel constrained to write (ie I feel I must write) and complain in the strongest possible terms. - 我深感责无旁贷, 必须笔诛墨伐.;As an artist he didn't consider himself constrained (ie restricted) by the same rules of social conduct as other people. - 他认为自己是艺术家, 不必像一般人那样要受社会行为准则的束缚.;
constrained [kən'streind]Speaker
adj. 被强迫的, 拘泥的, 不舒服的
A life that had been constrained by habit to the same few activities and friends.
I feel constrained to write (ie I feel I must write) and complain in the strongest possible terms.
我深感责无旁贷, 必须笔诛墨伐.
As an artist he didn't consider himself constrained (ie restricted) by the same rules of social conduct as other people.
他认为自己是艺术家, 不必像一般人那样要受社会行为准则的束缚.