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Ject对"credits" 的正确翻译:演职员名单。例句参考:A credit balance of 50 was brought forward from his September account. - 贷方余额50英镑是从他九月份的帐上转来的.;I have completed12 semester credits now and shall have completed8 more by the end of June. - 现在我已读完了12个学分的课程, 到6月底我将再完成8个学分的课程。;A fixed amount of scholastic study used as a basis for calculating academic credits, usually measured in hours of classroom instruction or laboratory work. - 上课时量, 计算学分的学习量学术研究的固定量, 用作计算专科院校学分的基础, 通常按教室教育或实验室工作的小时测量;
credits Speaker
A credit balance of 50 was brought forward from his September account.
I have completed12 semester credits now and shall have completed8 more by the end of June.
现在我已读完了12个学分的课程, 到6月底我将再完成8个学分的课程。
A fixed amount of scholastic study used as a basis for calculating academic credits, usually measured in hours of classroom instruction or laboratory work.
上课时量, 计算学分的学习量学术研究的固定量, 用作计算专科院校学分的基础, 通常按教室教育或实验室工作的小时测量