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Ject对"Cuba" 的正确翻译:n. 古巴。发音:['kju:bə]。例句参考:German naturalist and writer. His expedition to South America, Cuba, and Mexico(1799-1804) advanced the science of ecology. - 洪堡男爵,(卡尔)威廉·冯1767-1835德国哲学家和外交家,以其对语言与文化的关系的探索和对巴斯克语言的研究而著名;"We went over a laundry list that could build bridges between Cuba and the United States," he [Cardinal O'Connor] said, adding, "Obviously, releasing prisoners would be a brick in that bridge." - "我们研究了一长串在古巴与美国之间搭建桥梁的办法,"他说,并补充一句,"显然,释放俘虏将为那座桥梁的一块砖。";I think the Communist has been moving with vigor Laos, Africa, Cuba, all around the world, they are on the move. - 而共产党正在充满活力地向前进发,老挝、非洲、古巴、整个世界、他们都在前进。;
Cuba ['kju:bə]Speaker
n. 古巴
German naturalist and writer. His expedition to South America, Cuba, and Mexico(1799-1804) advanced the science of ecology.
"We went over a laundry list that could build bridges between Cuba and the United States," he [Cardinal O'Connor] said, adding, "Obviously, releasing prisoners would be a brick in that bridge."
I think the Communist has been moving with vigor Laos, Africa, Cuba, all around the world, they are on the move.