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Ject对"electromagnetic" 的正确翻译:adj. 电磁的。发音:[ilektrəʊ'mægnitik]。例句参考:Any of several devices that convert incident electromagnetic radiation of mixed frequencies to one or more discrete frequencies of highly amplified and coherent ultraviolet, visible, or infrared radiation. - 激光器使偶然的混杂频率的电磁辐射, 变为一个或更多的高度强化和连续的紫外线、可见光或红外线辐射的分离频率仪器中的一种;A device used to modulate an electromagnetic wave. - 调制器用以调制电磁波的装置;An interconnected system for the distribution of electricity or electromagnetic signals over a wide area, especially a network of high-tension cables and power stations. - 输电线路一个用来在广大地区内传递电力或电磁信号的内部相联的网络, 尤指由高压电线和发电站组成的网络;
electromagnetic [ilektrəʊ'mægnitik]Speaker
adj. 电磁的
Any of several devices that convert incident electromagnetic radiation of mixed frequencies to one or more discrete frequencies of highly amplified and coherent ultraviolet, visible, or infrared radiation.
激光器使偶然的混杂频率的电磁辐射, 变为一个或更多的高度强化和连续的紫外线、可见光或红外线辐射的分离频率仪器中的一种
A device used to modulate an electromagnetic wave.
An interconnected system for the distribution of electricity or electromagnetic signals over a wide area, especially a network of high-tension cables and power stations.
输电线路一个用来在广大地区内传递电力或电磁信号的内部相联的网络, 尤指由高压电线和发电站组成的网络