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Ject对"foreman" 的正确翻译:n. 领班, 工头, 陪审长。发音:['fɔ:mən]。例句参考:Jones said that his train had been delayed; the foreman gave him the benefit of the doubt and did not reduce his pay for being late. - 琼斯说他的火车误点了, 领班在没有相反证据之前给予肯定的判断, 并且没有因为迟到而减少他的薪金。;The foreman is always swearing at the workers. - 那工头总是对工人骂骂咧咧.;He was deemed as guilty by the foreman. - 陪审长认为他有罪。;
foreman ['fɔ:mən]Speaker
n. 领班, 工头, 陪审长
Jones said that his train had been delayed; the foreman gave him the benefit of the doubt and did not reduce his pay for being late.
琼斯说他的火车误点了, 领班在没有相反证据之前给予肯定的判断, 并且没有因为迟到而减少他的薪金。
The foreman is always swearing at the workers.
He was deemed as guilty by the foreman.