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Ject对"gripping" 的正确翻译:adj. 引起注意的。发音:['gripiŋ]。例句参考:The play was so gripping that the audience quickly identified with the actors. - 这出戏演得如此扣人心心弦, 以致观众很快就跟演员们发生了共鸣。;Any of various hand or power tools with fixed or adjustable jaws for gripping, turning, or twisting objects such as nuts, bolts, or pipes. - 扳手一种有固定或可调整的钳口的手用或机械工具, 用来咬合、转动或扭转如镙钉、镙铨或管子的物体;
gripping ['gripiŋ]Speaker
adj. 引起注意的
The play was so gripping that the audience quickly identified with the actors.
这出戏演得如此扣人心心弦, 以致观众很快就跟演员们发生了共鸣。
Any of various hand or power tools with fixed or adjustable jaws for gripping, turning, or twisting objects such as nuts, bolts, or pipes.
扳手一种有固定或可调整的钳口的手用或机械工具, 用来咬合、转动或扭转如镙钉、镙铨或管子的物体