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Ject对"Guinea" 的正确翻译:n. 几内亚;n. 英国往昔的金币。发音:['gini]。例句参考:The islands of the southern Pacific Ocean, including Australia, New Zealand, and New Guinea. - 澳大拉西亚太平洋南部岛屿,包括澳大利亚、新西兰及新几内亚;The capital and largest city of Guinea, in the southwest part of the country on the Atlantic Ocean. It is on an island connected with the mainland by causeway. Population, 600,000. - 科纳克里城几内亚的首都和最大城市,位于该国西南部大西洋沿岸。它坐落于一个通过堤道和大陆相连的岛屿上。人口600,000;A large inlet of the Coral Sea on the southeast coast of New Guinea. - 巴布亚湾珊瑚海的一个位于新几内亚东南岸的大海湾;
Guinea ['gini]Speaker
n. 几内亚
n. 英国往昔的金币
The islands of the southern Pacific Ocean, including Australia, New Zealand, and New Guinea.
The capital and largest city of Guinea, in the southwest part of the country on the Atlantic Ocean. It is on an island connected with the mainland by causeway. Population, 600,000.
A large inlet of the Coral Sea on the southeast coast of New Guinea.