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Ject对"headdress" 的正确翻译:adj. 饰头巾, 头发编梳的式样。发音:['heddres]。例句参考:The ceremonial headdress worn by ancient Jewish high priests. - 大祭司冠古代犹太祭司长的正式头饰;The figure of the sacred serpent, an emblem of sovereignty depicted on the headdress of ancient Egyptian rulers and deities. - 圣蛇象古代埃及统治者以及被奉若神明的人的冠冕上刻饰的象征着权威的神蛇饰物;A length of netting attached to a woman's hat or headdress, worn for decoration or to protect the head and face. - 面罩附于妇女的帽子或头巾上的一段网状物, 穿戴起来用作装饰或保护头部或脸部;
headdress ['heddres]Speaker
adj. 饰头巾, 头发编梳的式样
The ceremonial headdress worn by ancient Jewish high priests.
The figure of the sacred serpent, an emblem of sovereignty depicted on the headdress of ancient Egyptian rulers and deities.
A length of netting attached to a woman's hat or headdress, worn for decoration or to protect the head and face.
面罩附于妇女的帽子或头巾上的一段网状物, 穿戴起来用作装饰或保护头部或脸部