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Ject对"impulsive" 的正确翻译:adj. 冲动的, 受感情驱使的, 任性的。发音:[im'pʌlsiv]。例句参考:Such impulsive acts as hugging strangers; impulsive generosity. - 比如拥抱陌生人这种冲动的举止; 一时冲动的慷慨大方;A hand tool used to exert an impulsive force by striking, consisting of a handle with a perpendicularly attached head made of a relatively heavy, rigid material. - 锤子一种通过敲击发出冲击力的工具, 包括一个把手和一个与之垂直的由较沉、较重的金属制成的头;He was, on his own admission, impulsive by nature. - 他承认自己生性易于感情冲动。;
impulsive [im'pʌlsiv]Speaker
adj. 冲动的, 受感情驱使的, 任性的
Such impulsive acts as hugging strangers; impulsive generosity.
比如拥抱陌生人这种冲动的举止; 一时冲动的慷慨大方
A hand tool used to exert an impulsive force by striking, consisting of a handle with a perpendicularly attached head made of a relatively heavy, rigid material.
锤子一种通过敲击发出冲击力的工具, 包括一个把手和一个与之垂直的由较沉、较重的金属制成的头
He was, on his own admission, impulsive by nature.