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Ject对"inaccessible" 的正确翻译:adj. 难接近的, 难达到的, 难达成的。发音:[ˌinæk'sesəbl;ˌinæk'sesəbəl]。例句参考:A flexible fiber-optic instrument used to view an object or area, such as a body cavity, that would otherwise be inaccessible. - 纤维镜利用光学纤维制成的一种韧性仪器, 用于对一些用其它方法无法接近的物体或区域(如体腔)进行检查;The cave is inaccessible, high up the top of a cliff which no one can climb. - 那个洞穴在没人能爬的高耸的悬崖顶上, 无法进入。;His busy schedule made him completely inaccessible to his students. - 他的时间排得很满, 学生根本无法和他接触。;
inaccessible [ˌinæk'sesəbl;ˌinæk'sesəbəl]Speaker
adj. 难接近的, 难达到的, 难达成的
A flexible fiber-optic instrument used to view an object or area, such as a body cavity, that would otherwise be inaccessible.
纤维镜利用光学纤维制成的一种韧性仪器, 用于对一些用其它方法无法接近的物体或区域(如体腔)进行检查
The cave is inaccessible, high up the top of a cliff which no one can climb.
那个洞穴在没人能爬的高耸的悬崖顶上, 无法进入。
His busy schedule made him completely inaccessible to his students.
他的时间排得很满, 学生根本无法和他接触。