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Ject对"jaws" 的正确翻译:n. 口,狭口,咽喉。例句参考:A thick muscle in the cheek that closes the jaws during chewing. - 咬肌一块颊内咀嚼时靠近下颔厚块肌肉;A grasping tool having a pair of jaws and handles pivoted together to work in opposition. - 镊子,钳子一种抓握工具,有一对虎钳牙及交叉的柄,放在轴上一起反方向工作;A clamping device of metal or wood, usually consisting of two jaws closed or opened by a screw or lever, used in carpentry or metalworking to hold a piece in position. - 虎钳由金属或木头做成的钳夹工具,通常由两个靠螺旋或标杆进行开合的部件组成,用于木工业或五金业中使物件定位;
jaws Speaker
n. 口,狭口,咽喉
A thick muscle in the cheek that closes the jaws during chewing.
A grasping tool having a pair of jaws and handles pivoted together to work in opposition.
A clamping device of metal or wood, usually consisting of two jaws closed or opened by a screw or lever, used in carpentry or metalworking to hold a piece in position.