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Ject对"joning" 的正确翻译:n. (美国黑人用语)骂人取笑游戏。发音:['dʒəuniŋ]。例句参考:Mr Jones insured house against fire for fifteen thousand dollars with the company. - 琼斯先生的房子向这家公司保了15000美元的火险。;The Dow Jones industrials, ahead10 points early in tandem with further improvement in bond prices, ended off13.59 at1, 944.63. - 道·琼斯工业股早先随着公债价格提升而上涨10点, 最后以1944。63收盘, 下降13。59。;After we had haggled for some time, we decided to the bargain, and Jones bought the cloth for50 pence per yard. - 我们在价钱上争论了半天, 终于决定, 琼斯以每码50便士买下了这批布。;
joning ['dʒəuniŋ]
n. (美国黑人用语)骂人取笑游戏
Mr Jones insured house against fire for fifteen thousand dollars with the company.
The Dow Jones industrials, ahead10 points early in tandem with further improvement in bond prices, ended off13.59 at1, 944.63.
道·琼斯工业股早先随着公债价格提升而上涨10点, 最后以1944。63收盘, 下降13。59。
After we had haggled for some time, we decided to the bargain, and Jones bought the cloth for50 pence per yard.
我们在价钱上争论了半天, 终于决定, 琼斯以每码50便士买下了这批布。